


December 12, 2022 2 min read

Homemade Christmas Treats That Support your Dog’s Immune System

Christmas is the season of celebration and indulgence and while it’s tempting to let your dog in on the fun with table scraps from a holiday meal, that isn’t really advised. A dog's digestive system is different to a human digestive system and typically human food is much too rich and fatty for a dog to properly digest. For some dogs it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and even more severe conditions like pancreatitis. Christmas is a very busy time at the vets, make your own Christmas smoother and try to avoid any of the common, preventable Christmas crises in your house without leaving your four-legged friend out. Why not make your pup their own seasonal snacks using our easy DoggyRade prebiotic dog treats recipe which can be baked in our new DoggyRade silicone mould.

Pick up your DoggyRade silicone mould from our online shop before Christmas, enter code “DOGBONE” at checkout for 10% off until December 21st 2022.

Much like humans, your pet’s immune system is more challenged during winter months. Introducing prebiotics into your dog’s diet will help support intestinal function and immune health. There is a known link between good gut health and strong immune function and providing your dog with prebiotics can help reintroduce good bacteria to the gut. This can help the gut microbiome flourish and support the immune system and overall body and digestive health in the process.

DoggyRade Crunchy Oatmeal Treats Recipe

Recipe makes approx. 30 treats. Dough can be frozen for up to three months.

1 egg

75ml of DoggyRade

130g of whole wheat flour

80g of oats

1 tablespoon of fresh parsley (or ½ tablespoon of dried parsley)

1 ½ tablespoons carrot (grated)


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 150°.

Step 2

Mix all dry ingredients together first and then add wet ingredients, mix together with an electric mixer. This can be done by hand too.

Step 3

Form the dough into a ball. If the dough is too sticky to work with sprinkle some additional whole wheat flour onto the mix until the dough is workable.

Step 4

Using the DoggyRade silicone mould: pinch sections of dough filling each bone mould halfway with dough.

Without a silicone mould: Roll your dough to about 1-1.5cm thick and cut into your desired shapes, placing them onto a greaseproof paper lined baking tray.

Step 5

Pop them in the preheated oven and bake the treats for around 30-50 minutes, adjust depending on thickness and how crunchy you would like them to be.

Once fully baked these treats will keep in an airtight container about three months. They can also be frozen for up to three months. If you have leftover dough you can save that in the freezer for three months as well.

Tag us in your recipe pictures on social media for a chance to win a DoggyRade silicone mould!